Home Experience The System Service 20yr Warranty Contact Us WEF Biosolids 98
The System
20 yr Warranty
Contact Us
WEF Biosolids 98
out our
a Water Plant Sludge Problem
| |
Field Service USEP has field technicians with over 12 years experience.
These technicians will supervise the installation
as well as start-up and train plant personnel in proper use of the system. |
Customer Service USEP will periodically inspect your system to review
operating procedures and equipment. You can at anytime send a sludge sample to have
us verify type of polymer and dosage, loading rates, quality of sludge and performance.
You can call USEP to help troubleshoot your dewatering problems. |
Lab Services Our fully equipped laboratory is capable of analyzing most
types of sludges as well as running bench scale pilot plants.
Highly-trained and experienced technicians are
ready t test sludge to determine its dewatering characteristics, the most economical
polymer and dosage, lading rates and performance which can be expected from the sludge
sample. |
Services USEP stands ready to submit
complete engineering designs, estimates and the costs of operations. If desired,
these can be compared to other types of dewatering methods using EPA and other currently
accepted criteria to provide 20-year present worth cost-effective analyses. Standard
24" x 36" construction drawings are available which can be tailored to specific
sites. |
The following
are available from USEP: laboratory analysis, performance criteria development,
construction and operational cost estimates, engineering design, specification
development, field installation assistance, start-up supervision and training, ongoing
& post startup inspection, repair and retrofit consultation & implementation,
expansion of existing facilities. |

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